Gbwhatsapp download is undoubtedly among the biggest used instant messaging services and has around 2 billion active users. Because of its huge popularity, many app developers have attempted to cash into the craze by developing knock off versions of this highly popular program, which is popularly referred to as: GBWhatsapp, YoWhatsapp, FMWhatsapp, OGWhatsapp and WhatsApp Prime. While there have been no reports yet about the development of any new official version of WhatsApp, there are many knock offs available on the Internet that offer similar features but are cheaper. So what is the difference between an official version of this popular messaging program and the knockoffs?
The main difference between the official and knockoff versions of WhatsApp is the appearance and user experience. In official versions, the layout and design are generally very similar to the official website of Whatsapp. The official program, however, allows its users to have several account options such as; single, two, and multi-account users.
The official version also comes with several features such as; a complete SMS and MMS client with mobile phones and email account; a full suite of apps including: MMS/MEGS, chat, image viewer, voice recorder, video recorder and photo editor etc. You can access all these apps using your mobile phone, laptop or tablet PC and you may choose to download the program to your personal computer, laptop or tablet if you so desire. The official program is known to have the best quality graphics and user friendly interface amongst all the applications.
The knockoff version of GBWhatsapp does not allow for multiple account functions as the official version does. Many of these knockoff programs are available for free but there are a few websites that charge a minimal fee for the same. If you want to use the official version of this program, you may consider downloading the free trial version of the program first and then decide if it is worth the money or not.
There are several differences between the official version and the knockoffs. The knockoff programs do not come with the features that the official version comes with. Some of these features include:
These are only a few of the popular apps available for this messaging service, which is available for free, but the ones mentioned above are most popularly used and downloaded by people worldwide. Some people believe that the popularity of this messaging program is due to the fact that it is free and offers features that other messaging programs do not.