The ABCs of Employee Training
A is for Awareness
B is for Building
C is for Coaching
D is for Development
E is for Evaluation
A is for Awareness Awareness is the first step to building a successful training program. Awareness is what leads to building employee skills. Awareness is a mindset, a process, and a way of life.
B is for Building Building is the process of strengthening employee skills. Building is done by selecting the right people and giving them the right training in the right way. Once the right people are on board and trained, they must be inspired to do their best work. A company can build a great team and still fail.
For example, if an organization has a team of strong employees, but it is not the right team, the company will not succeed. It is the manager’s job to build a great team, inspire the team members to do their best work, and convince them to work together to achieve the company’s goals.
1: Current problems
Training is a great way to ensure that your employees are up to date on the latest policies and procedures. But what about the current problems? You should also make sure that your employees are aware of the issues that are at the forefront of your business. For example, if your company is a hotel, your employees should be aware of the following:
2: Solutions
Training is a great way to ensure that your employees are up to date on the latest policies and procedures. But what about the current problems? You should also make sure that your employees are aware of the issues that are at the forefront of your business. For example, if your company is a hotel, your employees should be aware of the toilet paper. What happens if there is not enough? Or it’s not soft enough? Or the quality is bad? Or the rolls are too small?
3: Conclusion and evidence
Training is a great way to ensure that your employees are up to date on the latest policies and procedures. But what about the current problems? You should also make sure that your employees are aware of the issues that are at the forefront of your business. For example, if your company is a hotel, your employees should be aware of current hotel prices, hotel ratings, as well as any special offers that are happening at the hotel at that time.