PRESTIGE WATERSFORD. Project highlights. Prestige Waterford, Whitehouse, Bangalore, which is a project undertaken by Prestiges Group who is devoting to make an extraordinary impact in the lives of their customers, and create a lasting impression in the minds of their visitors.
The project aims at bringing together two very different cultures that are extremely close in many aspects, to give a unique view of Bangalore. With the blending of the traditional architecture with the latest technologies and innovations, this project seeks to bring the two worlds together to give an exceptional experience for its customers.
The concept of combining both worlds came about after several years of research and development. What was then discovered during this research is that the water features had become very generic; while the contemporary architecture gave a feel of uniqueness to it, the other was quite generic in its look and design. This research has given rise to the concept of blending both worlds.
To begin with, all the components were taken from the original architecture. This means that the interiors are made using modern technology along with the same traditional look to achieve this goal.
Also, because of such technology, waterfalls and other water features have a three dimensional effect, giving a 3 dimensional feeling to the ambiance and making the environment much more appealing. Moreover, the overall effect makes the area look vibrant and alive.
Apart from this, the unique architecture also uses innovative techniques to give the ambiance a truly unique experience, thus creating a lasting impression. Apart from this, the use of such technology has given rise to various new concepts like ‘The Living Wall’Living Bridge’ to give an innovative look to these areas. These concepts in turn allow for the customers to take a break from their daily routine, allowing them to take a breath of fresh air.
The biggest challenge that the Prestige Waterford faced was the lack of space. As per the specifications and guidelines set down, they could not use any more than a quarter of an acre of space for their project. But they succeeded in getting around this by planning the project in such a way that the main building is the largest structure, and as it becomes more prominent the smaller structures start to increase in size.
One of the most important things for the success of the project was the fact that they had to hire the services of a local architect. who specialized in architecture, who in turn provided the needed to make sure that all the required specifications were met to get the best out of his skills and expertise.
The result of this bespoke construction was that the whole area received a touch of elegance that cannot be compared to any other project. In fact, it created a world class facility for its customers, which was then termed as “Urban Village.” The only major challenge that was faced during the construction of this project was the need to find the right professionals to build the various buildings.