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Exterior House Painting – Important Things to Consider

exterior house painting toronto

If you’ve been considering exterior house painting for your Toronto home, there are some important things to consider. These include the price, paint warranties, and time of day to paint the exterior of your home. By following these tips, you’ll have an exterior painting experience that is both beautiful and affordable. Read on for more information. Then, choose a paint that is guaranteed to last. You’ll be glad you did.

Cost of exterior house painting in Toronto

Depending on the style and size of your house, the cost of exterior house painting Toronto can range from $1,500 to over $9,000. The actual cost of exterior painting will depend on factors such as accessibility, prep work, and the type of paint used. The contractor may need to fix problems before painting the exterior of your home, including rot, damaged siding, and sheathing. You can cut costs by selecting a cheap paint or hiring a painting service that will come to your house.

Time of year to paint your home’s exterior

There are a few factors to consider before painting the exterior of your home. Paint needs to dry thoroughly. Rain will wash off paint if it isn’t completely dry. Snow and hail also introduce similar effects. Extremely hot temperatures also damage exterior paint. The paint can peel or crack during the drying process. Moreover, extreme cold can also damage your paint job. So, when should you paint the exterior of your home?

Paints with warranties

It is important to know the details of the paints warranty. While the coverage period varies among manufacturers, most provide a 10 to 25-year warranty. Although some people may question the validity of these warranties, they are in place to lure customers and boost sales. To be sure, read the warranty coverage carefully. Listed below are some important points to consider. To avoid a headache down the line, read the paints warranty carefully.

Time of day to paint

When is the best time to paint the exterior of your home in Toronto? There are several factors to consider when choosing the right time to paint your house. For starters, it should not be too hot, or too humid, as these factors affect the drying time of the paint. Usually, the best times to paint the exterior of your home are in early spring or early fall. However, if you are planning on painting the exterior of your house during the rainy season, make sure to avoid such days.

Quality of paint job

Investing in an exterior house painting in Toronto can really rejuvenate your home. Choosing a company with a proven track record can help ensure the highest quality paint job possible for your home. Choose one of the top-rated painters in Toronto, like Royal Home Painters, to ensure your house looks its best. Read on to learn more about their services and the quality of work they do. If you’re in the market for exterior house painting in Toronto, we encourage you to contact us.